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Transform Your Bathroom with Mirrors

A bathroom’s interior can’t be complete without a mirror, but modern bathrooms have seen a new trend by shifting the use of mirror from just being an object which is used to check you appearance or performing usual activities to styling your bathroom and giving it an unimaginable makeover. There are many different benefits of using wall mirrors in bathroom, here are some of them:

  • Illusion Of More Space

In most of the homes, a bathroom more prominently in guest bath is typically attached to a small room. Using large wall mirrors can make sure that the room will appear almost double the size that it actually is. Also, if you have a additional window in your bathroom then placing a wall mirror right opposite to the window will increase the depth of the room. But even if there is not window, still using the wall mirror will give a positive effect of making the room feel even bigger. 

Ogden mirror

Our Ogden wall mirror used as a decorative bathroom mirror. Credits 

  • The Perfect Replacement For Art Work

Artwork can be very difficult and expensive to find. But, if you place a wall mirror right opposite to the window, especially in the bathroom then it will create a perfect illusion of artwork. Along with this, a mirror will create a perfect balance of space by making it look symmetrical. A wall mirror with a decorative frame will enhance the look of the wall even more and make it into a very sought after art piece.

Round Mirror

Round mosaic wall mirror used in the bathroom for illumination. Credits  

Own this bathroom look with Shine Mirrors' mosaic mirrors.

  • Put More Light 

Mirrors are the perfect way to add light into an otherwise darker bathroom. They can be just perfect especially in bathrooms with no windows and those who lack natural light. A wall mirror will help you reflect the light back and bounce it around the room. It will make room a lot brighter then it actually is. To make this effect it is recommended that you place the room on the opposite sides of the lights which will reflect the light even more prominently. Along with this, you can also decide what will suit the best for your room, one big mirror or many small mirrors. 

Mirror cabinet

The cabinet storage has a mirror facade for a dual purpose.  Image source

  • Hiding Storage Cupboards

If you have a small bathroom and if you want to hide the storage space then placing a mirror right in front of it is the perfect alternative. By placing a mirror you will be able to use for it for all the usual benefits, but along with it you will have an ability to hide the storage space behind it. To make sure that the mirror completely fits the cabinet, you can choose a custom made mirror or from the ready made available ones.  Mirrored furnitures are another way to maximise storage with a glamoured look.  

  • Help You Cleanse Yourself Better

A bathroom mirror is very essential in letting you cleanse yourself better. It will make sure that you have the ability to check your self while bathing or while performing other bathroom activities. It will also be very beneficial for ladies for fixing their hairs and applying makeup.  Make sure to know how to clean the mirrors the way the professionals do to maximise its effect.

Along with all the above benefits, a bathroom mirror will add a lot of style to the existing bathroom. It will help you in transforming your current space into something unimaginable. It’s also not a very expensive solution and should be tried out.

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